4 research outputs found

    System for indoor user localization using mobile devices

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    In the past when designing indoor user localization and navigation systems we were confronted with the problem of unburdening our users from needing additional hardware to use said systems. Almost every design put on paper required that a user have a specialized dedicated hardware. This however is no longer the case today due to massive popularity of smart phones and user handheld devices such as tablets, smart watches and netbooks. The hardware of which offers us multiple interesting and unconventional ways of designing systems for user localization and navigation. It was the goal of this thesis to develop a simple system for indoor user localization and navigation which would allow further integration with already existing services on this field. In the introductory chapters we take a look at basic localization methods, ways of implementation regardless of technology, technologies available to us and existing solutions currently on market. Followed by an in-depth look at the structure and workings of components which form the developed solution and how said solution tackles common problems encountered with localization methods and systems. Finally we take a look at additional components being developed and usage analysis

    System for indoor user localization using mobile devices

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    In the past when designing indoor user localization and navigation systems we were confronted with the problem of unburdening our users from needing additional hardware to use said systems. Almost every design put on paper required that a user have a specialized dedicated hardware. This however is no longer the case today due to massive popularity of smart phones and user handheld devices such as tablets, smart watches and netbooks. The hardware of which offers us multiple interesting and unconventional ways of designing systems for user localization and navigation. It was the goal of this thesis to develop a simple system for indoor user localization and navigation which would allow further integration with already existing services on this field. In the introductory chapters we take a look at basic localization methods, ways of implementation regardless of technology, technologies available to us and existing solutions currently on market. Followed by an in-depth look at the structure and workings of components which form the developed solution and how said solution tackles common problems encountered with localization methods and systems. Finally we take a look at additional components being developed and usage analysis

    System for indoor user localization using mobile devices

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    Kadar smo v preteklosti načrtovali sistem za določanje položaja in usmerjanje uporabnikov v prostoru, smo bili soočeni s problemom, kako uporabnika razbremeniti potrebe po dodatni strojni opremi. Skoraj vsak načrtovan pristop je zahteval, da mora uporabnik imeti specializirano opremo, da bi lahko uporabljal sistem. Danes takšnega problema nimamo več zaradi izredno velike razširjenosti pametnih mobilnih naprav. Njihova strojna oprema nam omogoča več zanimivih pristopov načrtovanja sistema za lokalizacijo in usmerjanje uporabnikov v prostoru. Cilj diplomske naloge je razviti preprost sistem za lokalizacijo in usmerjanje uporabnikov v prostoru, ki omogoča preprosto združevanje z obstoječimi storitvami tega področja. V uvodnih poglavjih obravnavamo metode lokalizacije, njihovo splošno uvedbo, tehnologijo, ki nam je na voljo, in že obstoječe rešitve. Sledi podrobna predstavitev vseh komponent, ki tvorijo razvit sistem, v zaključku pa so predložene rešitve za ugotovljene probleme in analiza uporabe sistema.In the past when designing indoor user localization and navigation systems we were confronted with the problem of unburdening our users from needing additional hardware to use said systems. Almost every design put on paper required that a user have a specialized dedicated hardware. This however is no longer the case today due to massive popularity of smart phones and user handheld devices such as tablets, smart watches and netbooks. The hardware of which offers us multiple interesting and unconventional ways of designing systems for user localization and navigation. It was the goal of this thesis to develop a simple system for indoor user localization and navigation which would allow further integration with already existing services on this field. In the introductory chapters we take a look at basic localization methods, ways of implementation regardless of technology, technologies available to us and existing solutions currently on market. Followed by an in-depth look at the structure and workings of components which form the developed solution and how said solution tackles common problems encountered with localization methods and systems. Finally we take a look at additional components being developed and usage analysis

    System for indoor user localization using mobile devices

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    Kadar smo v preteklosti načrtovali sistem za določanje položaja in usmerjanje uporabnikov v prostoru, smo bili soočeni s problemom, kako uporabnika razbremeniti potrebe po dodatni strojni opremi. Skoraj vsak načrtovan pristop je zahteval, da mora uporabnik imeti specializirano opremo, da bi lahko uporabljal sistem. Danes takšnega problema nimamo več zaradi izredno velike razširjenosti pametnih mobilnih naprav. Njihova strojna oprema nam omogoča več zanimivih pristopov načrtovanja sistema za lokalizacijo in usmerjanje uporabnikov v prostoru. Cilj diplomske naloge je razviti preprost sistem za lokalizacijo in usmerjanje uporabnikov v prostoru, ki omogoča preprosto združevanje z obstoječimi storitvami tega področja. V uvodnih poglavjih obravnavamo metode lokalizacije, njihovo splošno uvedbo, tehnologijo, ki nam je na voljo, in že obstoječe rešitve. Sledi podrobna predstavitev vseh komponent, ki tvorijo razvit sistem, v zaključku pa so predložene rešitve za ugotovljene probleme in analiza uporabe sistema.In the past when designing indoor user localization and navigation systems we were confronted with the problem of unburdening our users from needing additional hardware to use said systems. Almost every design put on paper required that a user have a specialized dedicated hardware. This however is no longer the case today due to massive popularity of smart phones and user handheld devices such as tablets, smart watches and netbooks. The hardware of which offers us multiple interesting and unconventional ways of designing systems for user localization and navigation. It was the goal of this thesis to develop a simple system for indoor user localization and navigation which would allow further integration with already existing services on this field. In the introductory chapters we take a look at basic localization methods, ways of implementation regardless of technology, technologies available to us and existing solutions currently on market. Followed by an in-depth look at the structure and workings of components which form the developed solution and how said solution tackles common problems encountered with localization methods and systems. Finally we take a look at additional components being developed and usage analysis